Rocky Mountain Sports Medicine
has closed.
Dr. Kathy Vidlock is now practicing at
Rocky Vista Health Center
Dr. Vidlock is dedicated to helping athletes and active people live life to the fullest. We believe in keeping our overhead costs low so we can focus on patient care. We use the best technology available and tailor treatment plans to fit an individual's needs. Regardless of your fitness level, we aim to keep your bones, tendons and joints as healthy as possible.
8401 S Chambers Rd, Englewood, CO 80112
Phone: 720-875-2880
If you are looking for medical records from Rocky Mountain Sports Medicine:
After closing, your health records from this Practice have been transferred to Morgan Records Management, LLC (the “Records Custodian”). The Records Custodian will continue to maintain your records in accordance with applicable confidentiality and security standards and with other applicable laws. Your records will be destroyed no less than seven years after the last date of services you received from this Practice, although most records will be held for at least 10 years from the date of last service, depending upon applicable state and federal record retention requirements.[1] If you wish to have a copy of your records sent to you or to another provider or facility, you may submit a written request to the Records Custodian.
Morgan Records Management: Medical Records
Online: àPatient Records Requests à Request My Medical Records
Email: Medical@MorganRM.Com
(D) 833-888-0061
Please Note:
In accordance with applicable state law, you may be charged for the copying and transmittal of the records​
[1] For minors, the records will be held for seven years beyond the date they reach 18 years of age.
Musculoskeletal Care
Joint and tendon injuries
Diagnostic ultrasound and ultrasound guided procedures
Overuse injuries- tennis elbow, carpal tunnel,
Platelet Rich Plasma
Fracture Care
Medical Problems in Active People
Bone Health/osteoporosis
Sport concussions
Athletes with fatigue or medical issues
Exercising with medical problems